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Engineering Insurance

Engineering Insurance is a specialized category of insurance coverage that mainly concerns companies. 

 It is mainly given on an “all-risk” basis, covering mainly that it is not explicitly excluded. 

There are subcategories of insurance related to specialized risks such as construction projects, assembly projects, electronic equipment insurance, insurance of mechanical or mechanical equipment and alteration of goods in cold stores.

CAR (Contractors All Risks)

Contractors All Risks (C.A.R – Contractors All Risks) 

In Technical Works Insurance, we usually refer to “all risk” contracts that insure technical works of any kind, whether they are under construction, demolition projects, expansion projects of an existing facility, etc. 

Coverage of “all risk” contracts primarily covers that it is not explicitly excluded. 

These include accidental events, fire, theft, earthquake, general Urban Liability, Employer Urban Liability, malicious actions, loss of profits, loss of budgeted profits (A.L.O.P – Advance Loss of Profit) etc.

The works are covered based on a contract, the construction equipment, the mechanical equipment of the project, scaffolding, tools, prefabricated constructions, construction materials, any costs of collection of rubble, the damages to existing property etc. 

The projects to be insured can be private, public or Public & Private Sector Partnership (PPP).

EAR (Erection All Risks)

E.A.R – Erection All Risks

E.A.R – Election All Risks Damages are covered mainly in assembly projects of metal structures, mechanical installations, independent machinery, production units, etc.

EEI (Electronic Equipment Insurance)

Electronic Equipment Insurance (E.E.I – Electronic Equipment Insurance)

Electronic Equipment Insurance (E.E.I – Electronic Equipment Insurance) covers the damages to computer systems, monitoring systems of electronic units and installations, medical equipment, telecommunication installations, equipment of radio and television units, etc.

CPM (Contractors Plant and Machinery)

At all risk of Mechanical Equipment (C.P.M – Contractors Plant and Machinery)

Damage to vehicles and mechanical equipment used at construction sites is covered.

D.O.S. (Deterioration Of Stocks)

Merchandise insurance (D.O.S. – Merchandise contract due to mechanical failure) 

Damage to cold rooms and goods stored inside them is covered.

Μ.Β. (Machinery Breakdown)

Insurance of Electromechanical equipment (MB – Contract for mechanical failures) 

Damages to Electromechanical equipment of industrial installations are covered.