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Personalized Services
Tailored Solutions


Our Company

BTPS INSURANCE has extensive experience derived from its team, comprising individuals with a strong presence in the banking and insurance sector. They combine in-depth knowledge of their field with the ability to understand the client's needs, offering personalized services and finding appropriate solutions.

Surety bonds

Surety Bonds Insurance is a tripartite agreement where the Guarantor undertakes to cover the loss that may arise from the Insured's failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract between them, as stated to the contract.

Services & Solutions

Renewable Energy Sources Insurance

Our company's specialized consultants have extensive experience in insuring renewable energy sources and are ready, with cutting-edge insurance coverage, to respond promptly to the significant insurance challenges presented by the industry.

Credit Insurance

Credit insurance is a specialized insurance designed for all businesses with a contract tailored to the client's needs. It provides compensation through simple procedures and within agreed-upon predetermined timeframes.

Business Insurance

Group Health Insurance, Pension, General Liability and Employer Liability Insurance are covered.

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